in case of emergency, good luck.
“Watch out!” Jacky shouts, too late, watching in horror as the guy with the knife catches Ace unaware, the sharp blade aimed at his throat.
He catches a glimpse of fear and disbelief in Ace’s eyes, freezing to the spot as the scene unfolds in front of him, too far to help.
There’s a single gunshot, loud even through the frantic beating of his heart, bringing both the guy and Ace to the ground. Jacky’s rushes over, his arms feeling weak when he pushes the heavy guy off of Ace.
“Fucker,” Arsenal says, and Jacky’s not quite sure who he means by that, the guy now laying dead on the ground or Ace, whose laughter doesn’t quite fit the scene.
Ace never really did fit any scene, come to think of it.
Jacky turns his back when Arsenal presses the gun to Ace’s temple, deciding that they can sort it out themselves. The rest of them have a mission to finish.
He catches a glimpse of fear and disbelief in Ace’s eyes, freezing to the spot as the scene unfolds in front of him, too far to help.
There’s a single gunshot, loud even through the frantic beating of his heart, bringing both the guy and Ace to the ground. Jacky’s rushes over, his arms feeling weak when he pushes the heavy guy off of Ace.
“Fucker,” Arsenal says, and Jacky’s not quite sure who he means by that, the guy now laying dead on the ground or Ace, whose laughter doesn’t quite fit the scene.
Ace never really did fit any scene, come to think of it.
Jacky turns his back when Arsenal presses the gun to Ace’s temple, deciding that they can sort it out themselves. The rest of them have a mission to finish.