Я только что прочитала про персонажа, который интересует меня в Спартаке. О_О
читать дальшеPietros was a slave purchased by the lanista Batiatus to tend to the gladiators of his ludus. As a handsome and fragile youth, Pietros was not accustomed to life among gladiators, but he attracted the attention of Barca, and became his lover. Together, they dreamed of one day leaving the ludus once Barca earned enough money from his winnings in the arena. Sadly, this was not to be, as Barca was accused of being disloyal to Batiatus by Ashur, a former gladiator who was bullied by Barca and his friend Crixus. Batiatus had Barca killed. When it was discovered that Barca was loyal to his master, Batiatus covered the truth of his death with a story that Barca purchased his freedom and left. Pietros believed the lie and despaired without Barca. Worse, he became victim to the violent advances of Gnaeus, who would beat and rape him. Spartacus, who cared for Pietros, wanted to help him by having Gnaeus punished, but Pietros could not cope without Barca and he hung himself in Barca's cell. Spartacus avenged the boy by throwing Gnaeus from the cliff.