28.07.2014 в 12:25
Пишет  ColdBlaze:


Согласна из ревью больше всего с этой частью: "I was less struck by the play's philosophy than by its sheer physical and verbal exuberance. Much of it consists of a fantasy vision of Ballyturk's daily existence that makes astonishing demands on the two actors: at one point, Murphy leaps like a gazelle on to a high ledge to become the town's lager-sipping female storekeeper, while the more granite-jawed Murfi is called on to embody 17 characters in the space of about 30 seconds." и "However you analyse it, Ballyturk offers a richly theatrical experience and is impeccably acted... The great thing is that it's a play you don't have to understand in order to enjoy."

А на Энда буду любоваться, потому что в жизни он из одной категории с Хидделстоном - лапочка золотистый ретривер.

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