Оч. нравится саммари к фику: Jin has a girlfriend, Yamapi is depressed, and Ryo is better than everyone else. Последнее верно в любом случае. Человек-вселенная (цы), чё.
"Ryotan says you're an idiot," Tegoshi continues bravely. "And shut up, fifteen meters is still too close - he can still feel you emo at him."
"Tell Ryo he's still a midget."
Я в любви с этим абзацем.Yamapi is not a whiner by nature. Yamapi doesn’t really like to air out his woes because he’s learnt that his woes eventually get used as blackmail material against him. However, Tegoshi is a good listener. In fact, Tegoshi’s an amazing listener. Koyama likes to talk too much to sit down and listen, Massu is always far more concerned about food, Shige makes Yamapi feel really stupid with his glasses and his pointed looks, and Ryo thinks everything can be solved if everyone just admits that he’s the sexy Osaka man, which is never any help. Tegoshi however, sits there and nods and actually remembers everything you say. He has helpful advice. He’s sympathetic and he’s smart. And the good thing is, is that Tegoshi doesn’t need blackmail material to get people to do what he wants them to.